This Is Why Everyone Should Invest in Treating their Water
Water that is clean and suitable for drinking is essential to life. A purification system provides several benefits. It is recommended by the US Center for Disease Control to drink a minimum of 64 oz of H20 daily because of the several benefits to health. The four most important reasons to consider drinking purified water are as follows:
Minimizes Disposal of Plastic
Buying bottled water instead of drinking from the tap contributes to pollution – since disposing plastic bottles fill up the landfills. The plastic that holds it is not healthy for the planet or those who drink from it. Most of them consists of BPA, which goes into the water that people drink.
As a solution, a treatment system provides clean, potable water right from the tap.
Makes Appliances Last Longer
Appliances can also benefit from high quality water. Softened water will prolong the efficiency of appliances, which will save on costs in the long run. There will be less need for soap and detergent to clean appliances and make them last longer. Using cold water to wash dishes and clothes will not interfere with their performance.
According to researchers, when laundry machines and dishwashers were tested to run for 240 cycles, washers using treated water had almost no scale buildup, while those with untreated variety needed scale removal so they could work properly.
When it comes to water heaters, researchers discovered that the heater remained to be efficient until 15 years when using treated water. On the other hand, running untreated water cuts the efficiency of the heater by up to half because of the buildup of scale.
Essential to Health
There is a clear connection between water and health. Based on CDC reports, a number of the leading causes of outbreaks are being linked to the water that affected the people drinking it.
Water that contains organic and inorganic matter can also cause serious health complications. Studies further reveal that high content of lead in drinking water have been linked with children’s learning disabilities, delays in development, and ADD.
Protects From Harmful Organisms
According to the Environmental Protection Agency reports, 90% of the water supply worldwide is not suitable for drinking unless properly treated.
More often than not, untreated water has micro-organisms that could cause vomiting and diarrhoea, among other illnesses. Thanks to advanced water purification systems, such microorganisms can be eradicated to make the water safe to drink.
Installing a water treatment system at home is the easiest way to access clean water, which is critical to every individual’s health. Not only is it the fast and easiest way to let a family stay healthy, but also the cheapest.
Aside from purifying drinking water, treating household water will help lengthen the life of water-using appliances. It may be expensive to install a water purification system, but has more advantages to the health of a family, as well as being more cost-efficient in the long run.
Are you looking for specialists in water treatment Spokane? Do you need someone to help you install water softeners Spokane? Come and visit us today – we can help!
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